AFCON 2027: Controversial lawyer Male Mabirizi wants Uganda removed from the hosts

Controversial lawyer Male Mabirizi wants Uganda removed from the hosts|MABIRIZI X

OTHER SPORTS AFCON 2027: Controversial lawyer Male Mabirizi wants Uganda removed from the hosts

Allan Damba 19:38 - 28.09.2023

A day after Uganda, along with Kenya and Tanzania won the hosting rights for the 2027 Africa Cup of Nations, hugely disputable lawyer Male Mabirizi Kiwanuka has contested the decision.

Mabirizi wants Uganda stripped off her hosting rights, citing various reasons many of which, political.

In a letter addressed to the Confederation of African Football (CAF), Mabirizi claims; "Uganda is devoid of any democratic leadership."

He adds: "A person who finds him/herself in Uganda is not assured of fair trial since civilians are dragged to military tribunals."

Mabirizi further cites: "militarized streets, lack of freedom of assembly, corruption, sectarianism and nepotism" as the other politically motivated reasons for his claims.

The Kampala City lawyer also made mention of the below-par facilities alleging that Nakivubo; "has since been sold off and 90% of it replaced with unlawful commercial structures."

He further claims; "Mandela National Stadium was handed over to military who fenced off people's homes without compensation."

In his extended plea, an informed Mabirizi calls out FUFA president Moses Magogo claiming; "leadership is not legitimate since practically, no elections have been held for the past 10 years."

"All candidates against the standing president against the sitting president, Moses Hashim Magogo, such as Mujib Kasule have been disqualified on technicalities."

The aforementioned all come before his request to; "exclude Uganda from organizing 2027 Africa Cup of Nations."

With the written petition, it's close to unlikely that CAF will consider pulling Uganda off, as the bid was awarded after months of thorough inspection.