Express' Emmanuel Wasswa and his eventful week

Emmanuel Wasswa captained Express against UPDF in Bombo / Express FC Image

UPL Express' Emmanuel Wasswa and his eventful week

Brian Aheebwa 18:51 - 31.10.2023

A day later, Wasswa captained Express FC and scored in the one all draw with UPDF FC in the Uganda Premier League game played at Bombo Military Barracks Playground.

It has been a special week for Express FC midfielder Emmanuel Wasswa, joyful on and off the pitch.

On Friday, Wasswa graduated from Nkumba University with a master's in procurement and logistics management.

Emmanuel Wasswa at the Graduation Ceremony at Nkumba University

"It felt special and great graduating with a master's degree in procurement and logistics management because it's not easy balancing books and football simultaneously," Wasswa told Pulse Sports in an interview.

"Having talent and education is something great and shouldn't be taken lightly. I have used this well, and now I am ready for the world with football and education."

Emmanuel Wasswa during training at Wankulukuku / Express Image

A day later, Wasswa captained Express FC and scored in the one all draw with UPDF FC in the Uganda Premier League game played at Bombo Military Barracks Playground.

"Captaining Express FC is worth celebrating because it is one of the biggest clubs in Uganda, East Africa and on the continent," he added.

"Felt happy to score my first goal for Express, and for this season, I promise more goals are coming, and I am happy that all that happened in the same week," said the loanee from KCCA FC.

Procurement officer Emmanuel Wasswa

Express' next game was against rivals SC Villa at Wankulukuku on Wednesday, November 1, but it was called off by FUFA due to fans hooliganism.

In the aftermath of the one-all draw with UPDF on Friday, the Mukwano Gwabangi fans allegedly attacked and injured assistant referee Fahad Sekayiba after their meeting with UPDF in Bombo.