Besides football, all the other sports disciplines at Namboole, plans of a Sports City revealed

Namboole Stadium in its current form|NILE POST IMAGE

Besides football, all the other sports disciplines at Namboole, plans of a Sports City revealed

Allan Damba 13:04 - 18.12.2023

The Minister further made it public knowledge that besides the stadium itself, there are plans for a Sports City for the vacant land.

The newly developed Mandela National Stadium, Namboole, will oversee several sports disciplines other than the known football.

While the latter will be the main activity at the facility, many other sports disciplines will be catered for as well.

Namboole Stadium in its current form|COURTESY IMAGE

This was revealed by the Minister of State for Sports Peter Ogwang, during his engagement with the press.

"I want to put it to the public that we have brought in new sports disciplines into Namboole," Ogwang confirmed.

"Talk about rugby; it has come on board. We are going to continue putting in other indoor games in Namboole."

"We used to have volleyball there, netball, and even squash. We are going to have them there."

The Minister further made it public knowledge that besides the stadium itself, there are plans for a Sports City for the vacant land.

Namboole Stadium in its current form|COURTESY IMAGE

"We are going to have a work plan and a development plan of what needs to be done in that land in Namboole," he said.

"And it's all about putting a Sports City there, which is to enable us to have quite a lot of sports activities within that area of Namboole."

Meanwhile, Ogwang further disclosed that Namboole Stadium would be ready for football action during Uganda's World Cup qualifiers next year.
